Are you wondering how you're going to get through the school holidays without losing your cool, tearing your hair out and keeping your sanity intact?

Do you ever question what happened to the cool mum you thought you would be before you had kids? You know her, the cool mum who doesn't lose her temper when negotiating screen time or explaining the no ice cream before dinner rule for the upteenth time that week...

The cool mum who can go to water parks, arcades, even zoos without getting flustered at the queues, overpriced food or incessant nagging for pointless tat from the gift shop...

The cool mum who knows that kids get dirty, accidents happen and arguments are quickly forgotten, and so she doesn't let those minor setbacks break her stride.

The good news is that you ARE that Cool Mum, you're just too exhausted to notice. But with a little help, you can be the mum who makes it look easy.

The Cool Mum Summer self hypnosis programme uses the power of your subconscious mind to transform the way you respond to stressful situations. All you need to do is listen and then sit back and enjoy your new sense of calm... and the best summer ever.

You'll also receive a bonus printable journal with daily prompts to help you embrace your inner zen goddess, ready to create magical family memories all summer long.

16 summers of childhood. That's all we get with our kids. How do you want to remember them?